I'm a bit of a people observer, both naturally and training for my profession, but it fascinates me to observe people.
Usually when I'm out in a public place, such as a waiting room for car repair shop, I generally tend to bring a book so that I can enjoy a past time that I otherwise have little time for. In those situations, I'm usually successful in being left alone to read if I happen to be the only one in the waiting room or most folks also waiting are usually engrossed in their own book, newspaper, magazine or catching a few extra zz's; the understanding is mutual. Today, I was caught off-guard by a lady who was also waiting for her vehicle to be repaired.
This lady liked to talk. When I say talk, I mean she talked. I sat and listened mostly because it was hard for me to even get the occasional "uh huh" in; she talked that much. I'll admit, at times, it was hard to follow her train of thought because she was all over the place in her conversation but I learned a lot about her life in the time she spent talking to me. Something she did reveal early on was that she is a psychic, which at first didn't really phase me but then I was looking for the signs. I've never encountered a psychic and had a lengthy conversation with them but from what I've heard from others who have, most psychics will at least pick up on your "aura" or "energy" if you're Christian. So I was waiting to see if she would pick up on any of that with me or mention anything of the sort. Nothing...zilch, zip, nada. So then I thought that maybe I'd get something from God for her...I'm waiting, waiting....waiting...nothing but I also have no chance to any word in edgewise or straightwise. Then I began to realize that maybe, just maybe, she doesn't have many friends with whom she can talk and maybe all she needed was a listening ear. When her vehicle was finished and ready to go, so was her conversation. The only thing I was able to pass along to her was to have a great day. It doesn't seem like much but I hope it went a long way for her.
I'm not sure that I will ever see her again (part of her stress is that she is moving her family back to the province they originally moved from) but I do hope she will see God's fingerprint on her life and realize that the psychic gift she has can be used for much greater good than what she's already experienced.
It's those little moments and encounters that make me stop and wonder if I could have approached the situation differently; maybe I could have. I tried to read the scenario as best I could and try to give that lady something of what she is really looking for: God's love.
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